
Season 06, Episode 08

Better Together: The Combined Future Of Demand & ABM

Featuring: Robert Peterson, VP, Principal Analyst at Forrester

For several years, Forrester has forecasted that demand gen and ABM would ultimately intersect as demand marketers improve the precision of their efforts and ABM marketers seek to deliver personalized experiences to more contacts in high-value accounts.

With Forrester research showing that this convergence is accelerating, Host Klaudia Tirico takes listeners back to Forrester’s B2BMX session in Scottsdale to dive deeper into the collision course of these two powerhouse strategies and the benefits it holds to marketers.

Forrester’s Bob Peterson shared new data and insights on the key trends demand gen and ABM marketers must consider to prepare for this eventual convergence. Tune in now to learn:

  • The current trends driving the push to convergence of demand and ABM;
  • The impact of this convergence on systems and resources;
  • How to leverage this market shift to improve efficiencies and optimize performance; and
  • New insights to better prepare your organization for this converged ecosystem.


B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast

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The B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast features candid insights from those who live and breathe B2B. Every week, we'll feature the industry's top influencers and practitioners, who will touch on top-of-mind topics around content strategy, demand generation, account-based marketing, and sales enablement. Subscribe now to get a front-row seat to intimate conversations and top-rated talks from our premier events.

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