Season 11, Episode 8

Reimagining ABM With AI

Featuring: Rob Leavitt, Momentum ITSMA

There are a lot of questions surrounding modern ABM. Specifically: How can we cover more accounts and how can we use AI to accelerate the process?   

Momentum ITSMA’s Rob Leavitt took the B2BMX East stage to uncover FAQs that will separate winners and losers in the world of pervasive ABM and AI, including

  • Which campaigns should we run and for which accounts?
  • How can we unleash creativity to break through the noise that AI is amplifying at an exponential rate?
  • How can we humanize engagement amid the AI-ization of both buying and selling?

Tune in now to hear about the best ways to define and sharpen campaign focus, the best ways to leverage AI to enable real creativity in campaign messaging and content, and new ways to break through the fast-growing use of AI on the buy side.



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