Precision Demand Marketing: Response To Revenue

February 22
11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
Stephanie Swinyer
Stephanie Swinyer
Danny McKeever
Danny McKeever

Let’s face it: 2020 flipped B2B marketing upside down and around again. And buyers still hold all the cards — as they should. The way they research, evaluate and make purchase decisions has fundamentally changed. Buyers expect marketers to deliver a qualitatively different experience than ever before. Tried-and-true strategies like ABM and traditional demand gen no longer serve up enough of the right mojo to deliver on pipeline and revenue.

Marketers who want to stand out and succeed in this era need to tap into a kind of x-level efficiency and precision we’ve not seen before. The good news is there is a way to meet your buyers where they are. Welcome to precision demand marketing. Join us for this hands-on, high-energy workshop to discover how you can turn on a precision demand marketing strategy in five key areas:

Elevate. Learn how to push your data to new heights, increasing marketability, actionability and compliance, all while protecting integrity within an air-tight governance wrapper.

Target. Discover laser-focused ways to hone in your ICP and refine your target lists in this new world.

Activate. Find out how to navigate an increasingly complex buying journey by orchestrating engagement across buying committees and delivering personalized campaigns to opt-in prospective buyers across all channels.

Connect. Learn how to better engage your ideal prospective buyers and accounts with unmatched access via an integrated marketplace and ecosystem of partners with built-in integrations to core marketing technology, ad and social networks, and B2B publications.

Measure. Find out how to defend your marketing spend and optimize outcomes from all your demand sources with new ways to track, measure and assess performance with cross-channel visibility.

Deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2023

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