Innovate. Adapt. Award: Nominate Your #B2BMX Trailblazer!

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Nominate a Marketer to Win a Free Trip to #B2BMX!

At the B2B Marketing Exchange, we believe in the power of young marketing professionals to transform the industry. Our theme for this year’s #B2BMX is “Innovate. Adapt. Diversify.” — and we’re on a mission to honor a rising B2B marketer who embodies these principles. 

#B2BMX, taking place February 26-28, 2024 at The Phoenician Resort in Scottsdale, is not just an event; it’s a launchpad for career growth. Do you know a young marketing professional who’s already making waves and showcasing their potential as a change-maker in their organization? It’s time to recognize and elevate them by nominating them to attend #B2BMX as our special guest —  all expenses paid. 

By nominating a deserving young marketer, you’re opening doors to valuable learning, networking and mentorship opportunities that can catapult them to the next phase of their career. Who knows? They might even grace the #B2BMX stage one day!  

To submit a marketer for consideration (or if you’d like to nominate yourself), please complete this nomination form by end-of-day January 10. Tell us why they deserve to attend #B2BMX and how they are already driving change in the B2B marketing landscape. We’ll select one lucky marketer and announce the winner on February 9!  

Together, let’s elevate those who are destined to shape the future of the B2B marketing industry. Questions? Email [email protected].


Nomination Guidelines & Prize Info

  1. The deadline for nominations is January 10 at 9:00 pm EST.  
  2. You can nominate multiple people and/or nominate yourself, but please only submit one form for each nominee.  
  3. The #B2BMX team will review submissions and select one (1) winner. Once a winner is selected, we will contact them directly to arrange their travel. 
  4. The winning marketer will receive the following: 
    1. One (1) free All-Access Pass to attend #B2BMX (valued at $2,295) 
    2. One (1) Round-trip, standard economy airfaire ticket to Phoenix-Sky Harbor International Airport up to $750, booked by our travel agency a minimum of 21-days in advance. 
    3. Hotel accommodations for up to three (3) nights room and tax only at The Phoenician Resort in the group block. 
    4. $300 Visa gift card 
  5. We will announce the winner on the B2B Marketing Exchange website by February 9, 2024. 

       Please review the contest Terms & Conditions.

Deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2023

Fill out my online form.

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